The Recycled Polyester Round Table is a global network aiming to increase the uptake of recycled polyester.

Our Recycled Polyester Round Table provides a forum for members to safely express and discuss challenges, compare experiences, and hear about the latest initiatives and forms of technology from leading thinkers. We’re working to build a fashion and textile industry where no new fossil-based fibers are entering the supply chain, and all synthetic materials are coming from a recycled or regenerative source.
We’re aiming to bring down barriers to wider recycled polyester adoption.

We know recycled polyester isn’t perfect.
We promote recycled polyester as a preferred alternative to virgin polyester, but there is a lot to be done. The Recycled Polyester Round Table works to find solutions to the technical, societal, and commercial barriers to the growth of recycled polyester’s market share. We take a holistic approach with a focus on climate, water, and biodiversity.

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Find out more about polyester production
Read about the sustainability challenges that come with conventional polyester production, the opportunities to overcome them, and the steps you can start taking to reduce your impact.